
From Ignorance to Bliss

From Ignorance to Bliss:

God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome

What do you do when life comes at you sideways? Try to jump out of the way? Go with the flow? Resist, attempting to get it back on the straight and narrow? From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.

With refreshing candor, Annie Yorty invites readers into her journey, in which she has attempted all of the above, as mom to Alyssa, who has Down syndrome.

Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa. Including a chapter written by Alyssa herself, From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed through Down syndrome offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood. It is filled with humor, poignance, and practical insights relevant to all.

Topics include:

  • Expectations—managing hopes and dreams
  • Education—public, homeschooling, inclusion, and legal wrangling
  • Therapies—balancing a busy to-do list with everyday life
  • Medical issues—trusting God in difficult diagnoses
  • Recreation—accessing and enjoying leisure activities
  • Work—finding meaningful ways to contribute
  • Siblings and friends—navigating relationships
  • Rejection and disappointment—finding satisfaction in God
  • Triumphs and joy—celebrating identity, worth, and achievement


Room at the Table: Encouraging Stories from Special Needs Families

by Stephanie Pavlantos and Starr Ayers

Annie contributed a story to this moving and encouraging compilation.

Room at the Table


Everyday Joy Volume 4: A Collection of 100 Devotions

from The Joyful Life

Annie contributed a devotion to this beautiful devotional.

Everyday Joy