Ready for Christmas
Ready for Christmas
by Annie Yorty
With only six days to go until the big day, we often ask one another, “Are you ready for Christmas?” The conversation usually revolves around the to-do list—shopping, food prep, cleaning, travel plans, and plenty of other activities.
Distractions at Christmas
I confess all these activities occupy a good bit of my time these days. I’m expecting out-of-town guests to stay with us over Christmas. We’ll host a gathering on New Year’s Eve. I’m planning meals and preparing accommodations.
Though I take precautions, getting ready for Christmas sometimes clouds my view of the Person who should be the object of my expectation at Christmas and every day of the year.
A man named Simeon, a rather obscure figure in the Christmas story, helps direct our hearts to our top priority—Jesus.
Simeon was a contemporary of Anna, the person who worshiped God in the Temple day and night while she waited for the promised Messiah. We can read Simeon’s story in eleven verses found in the gospel of Luke.
Some facts Luke reveals about Simeon (2:25-35):
- Simeon was righteous and devout.
- He eagerly waited for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.
- The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon.
- God revealed to Simeon he would see the Messiah within his lifetime.
- He followed the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- God spoke prophecy through Simeon.
Do you sense a theme in the information Luke provides? A close communion with God features prominently in the description of Simeon. I’m sure his life had other facets. I suppose he had a job. Perhaps a wife and children. He may have been a pillar in the Jewish community. All these earthly and temporal details fade into insignificance when compared to the spiritual and eternal facts about Simeon.
What are you expecting this Christmas? Find complete satisfaction in Jesus. #readyforchristmas #annieyorty #25symbolsofchristmas Share on XSimeon’s Message about Jesus
Jesus is “Salvation, which [God] prepared for all people” (Luke 2:30-31 NLT).
God had the day of Jesus’ birth in His mind and on humanity’s timeline from before the creation of the world. He knew all people would fall into sin’s snare and would need rescue. His perfect and final solution? He lovingly destined His own Son to become a sacrifice to pay the penalty for the world’s corruption.
“He is a light to reveal God to the nations” (2:32 NLT).
When we can see God, everything changes. The Light of the World–Jesus–stepped into earth’s atmosphere as an infant, and hope dawned on people who languished in sin and darkness.
“He is the glory of your people Israel” (2:32)!
Centuries before Jesus’ birth, God promised the Jewish king, David, His descendant would rescue and restore the earth and its people to a pre-sin state and establish an eternal kingdom. God ordained Jesus to be born to Jewish parents and to come as Messiah first to the Jewish people, and then to the rest of the world.
“This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise” (2:34 NLT).
People often describe Jesus as a good Teacher or a wise Person worthy of following. But Jesus is much more. His death and resurrection offer eternal life to every person on earth, though God allows people to choose to accept or reject His precious Son. Those who accept will rise from death and experience eternal life. Those who refuse Jesus will suffer the awful and eternal consequences of their fall into sin.
“He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him” (2:34 NLT).
Jesus, even as an infant, stirred up strong reactions. King Herod ruthlessly executed every baby boy in Bethlehem in his attempt to exterminate the supposed threat of Jesus. Others, such as Anna and Simeon, broke into loud praise at the sight of Jesus. Later, Pharisees would plot against Him. Ultimately, most of Jesus’ disciples courageously accepted martyrdom rather than deny their Savior.
“The deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul” (2:35 NLT).
The Word of God, the True Light of Truth, still searches our innermost thoughts and motives today. God’s Word—Jesus—“is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” (Hebrews 4:12 NLT). When we read the Bible, the revelation of Jesus, He exposes and purifies our hearts. In this way, we become more holy and Christ-like.
Simeon was ready for Christmas.
Even before Jesus was born, Simeon yearned to be in His presence. His spiritual habits put him in the right place at the right time to meet the Messiah and rejoice with His parents. He deepened his relationship with God by reading and obeying God’s Word. When God’s Spirit prompted him to go to the Temple, he didn’t delay. He believed God’s promise and remained alert and expectant.
It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. (Hebrews 11:6 NLT)
The Reward of Being Ready at Christmas
Simeon’s faith led him to expect to see Jesus Messiah. One day, God turned His faith into sight.
When his eyes beheld his Messiah, Simeon declared, “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace” (Luke 2:29 NLT). Coming into the presence of Jesus had met and satisfied every need. He found the object of his longing and his purpose in Jesus. In Jesus, his life was complete.
Are you ready for Christmas? Is Jesus the object of your expectation? I hope you can say your life is complete because of the Savior we celebrate. In these few remaining days before Christmas, let’s seek Jesus and find complete satisfaction in His presence.
Join the conversation:
What habits bring you into the presence of Jesus during the Christmas season?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
My devotional, 25 Symbols of Christmas: Finding Jesus, is an excellent tool to help you come into Jesus’ presence and worship Him. You can also simply open the Bible and begin reading the story of Jesus found in the gospels. Pray and ask God to reveal Himself to you. He never disappoints.

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Maggie Wallem Rowe
Thank you for writing about Simeon, Annie. Since Scripture is silent on how Mary’s parents reacted to her unexpected pregnancy, or whether they were supportive, I often think of Simeon’s prayer as a father’s blessing over her and her child, even while it also contained hard truth about the future.
Annie Yorty
I never considered that possibility, Maggie. Thank you for sharing your insights here. Whatever the case, God used Simeon to confirm to Mary and Joseph truths about Jesus. God bless!