Courage to Believe
by Annie Yorty
Courage to Believe
The angel said, “Don’t be afraid.” But the young girl trembled. Doubts and questions bombarded her. There was no way she could be pregnant.
“Nothing spoken by God is impossible.” Nothing. Tne simple statement shredded her doubts. Unexpected courage swept over Mary.
“Let it be done to me according to your word.”
As quickly as he had appeared, the angel vanished. Mary stood alone. Turning toward home, she pondered all she had seen and heard. As her house came into view, her steps faltered. What will Mother say? And Father . . .? And how will Joseph react?
The look on her parents’ faces broke Mary’s heart. They didn’t know what to believe. The angel had mentioned her relative, Elizabeth. Mary decided to go to the hill country of Judah and visit her for a while.
Confirmation of Courage
When Elizabeth spotted Mary coming up the path, she clutched her swelling belly and cried out. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
Mary fell into Elizabeth’s outstretched arms. The older woman was also pregnant, just as the angel had declared.
Elizabeth continued to prophesy by the power of the Holy Spirit. “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord!”
Courage coursed through Mary’s spirit once again, washing away every question and doubt. She pressed a rough hand across her flat abdomen in wonder. How could it be? The baby hidden inside her body held her in the palm of His hand.
Mary’s Response
A song of praise and trust burst from deep within Mary.
Mary magnified the Lord she carried in her womb. #annieyorty Share on XMy soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, for he has looked at the humble state of his servant. For behold, from now on, all generations will call me blessed. For he who is mighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name. His mercy is for generations and generations on those who fear him. (Luke 1:46-50 WEB)
Our Response
How kind of the Lord Jesus to choose Mary as His mother and to confirm His Word when doubts assailed her!
Do you know He’s chosen you too? When Jesus came to earth as a baby so many years ago, you were on His mind. Just as He did for Mary, He does great things for you.
- He sees and sympathizes with our human frailty.
- He showers mercy upon His people.
- He exalts the lowly.
- He satisfies the hungry.
- He remembers all His promises.
Because she had the courage to believe, Mary magnified the Lord in her song and with her life. This Christmas, do you have the courage to believe and trust the promises and plan of Jesus Messiah?
Join the conversation:
How will you magnify the Lord this Christmas?
I welcome your comments!
**All the preceding quotes are taken from Luke 1:26-56 (WEB)**
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty
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From Ignorance to Bliss
What do you do when life comes at you sideways?
Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. Annie offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood.
Filled with humor and poignance, From Ignorance to Bliss demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.

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Yvonne Morgan
Such an amazing amount of faith that Mary displayed. I pray for such strength in my faith. Thank you for reminding and encouraging me today Annie.
Annie Yorty
So true, Yvonne. Each time I read about Mary, I see another facet to her faith that I want for myself.