7 Reminders from Creation about How God Sees Us
by Annie Yorty
God knows humans easily forget what they learn. But the world He created testifies to His truth. Many elements of creation remind us about how God sees us.
A few weeks ago, I wrote 9 Reminders of God in Nature to Renew Gratitude for Crosswalk. I followed it up with 7 Visible Reminders to be Grateful for God here on this blog, which offered a meditation on God from nature for each day of the week.
Let’s look once again at nature to find reminders from creation about how God sees us. I’ve provided seven truths so that you can meditate upon one each day of the week.
7 Reminders from Creation about How God Sees Us
1. Stars
Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. (Isaiah 40:26 NLT)
Modern telescopes attached to space explorers send back information about the universe that boggles the human mind. NASA guesses that one septillion stars are flung across the expanse of the universe. We never discussed that number in high school math, but I just learned it’s a one with twenty-four zeroes.
Consider that God has named every one of those septillion stars. He specifically suspended each according to His specific plan. The stars remind us that God also knows our name (Isaiah 43:1). Each of us stands out to Him as an individual. He sees you. He hears you when you call on Him. You are never lost in the shuffle of humanity.
2. Hair
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. (Luke 12:7 NLT)
In a previous season of life, I was an accountant. Though I enjoyed numbers, I would never consider counting hairs, even when they’re falling out of my head at an alarming rate.
Jesus said that God knows the number of hairs on your head at any given time. On some heavenly spreadsheet, He’s tabulating both new growth and shed hairs every day. That’s just one detail among a gazillion (unspecified number of zeroes) that He keeps up with.
If you’re wondering why God would care about these details, you’re not alone. The psalmist penned this very question centuries ago (Psalm 8:4). Jesus explained that God cares because we are valuable. He treasures you and is intimately acquainted with you. You don’t need to fear because God’s love compels Him to watch over you.
3. Snowflakes
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT)
One January when I was in Belarus, I waited outside for a few minutes one frigid morning. Snowflakes swirled softly through cloud-filtered light and accumulated on my coat. To my delight, I could see each individual crystalline shape outlined in stark contrast against the black nylon.
What a precious reminder about God’s creativity! Did you know that with rare exception, each flake is a single hexagonal ice crystal? Depending on temperature and humidity, they grow into various structures around a nucleus. Though they have eight basic shape classifications, each snowflake is unique.
The same God who causes a drop of water to form into a one-of-a-kind ice creation also created you with much greater complexity and individuality. Yes, humans have many similarities, but you are distinct and infinitely special to God.
4. Sand
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me! (Psalm 139:17-18 NLT)
There’s nothing like sitting in a low-slung chair at the beach idly sifting silvery sand through your fingers. I can’t say I’ve ever thought about counting those tiny grains, but I once read that a university theoretically numbered the world’s grains of sand at seven quintillion five quadrillion. Don’t even ask me how many zeroes that number has.
I believe God knows exactly how many specks of sand exist. And the psalmist says God’s thoughts about me outnumber them.
Do you, like me, wonder what God is thinking? We can begin to understand His thoughts by reading the Bible. Beyond that, remember that you will have eternity to learn more if you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord.
Let’s not overlook the truth God embedded in the wonders of creation. Nature itself declares how God sees us. Share on X5. Directions
He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12 NLT)
My mom was directionally challenged. Back in the day when people used paper maps, she struggled to find her way. But you don’t need to be a cartographer to understand the gist of this psalm. Since east and west are opposite directions, we can infer that they never meet. In other words, when we’re forgiven by Christ, our sins will never meet up with us again.
Nowadays when I use my map app to get directions, the friendly Aussie telling me which way to go never says east, west, north, or south. He just says left or right. Still, east and west exist because directions are part of God’s creation. The direction of the sun and weather patterns remind you every day how God relieves you of guilt and shame by carrying your sin as far as east is from west.
6. Ocean Waves
Then you set a firm boundary for the seas, so they would never again cover the earth. (Psalm 104:9 NLT)
When I spend a day at the beach, I stake out a territory for my umbrella and chair. I calculate my ideal location by the line of seaweed and the boundary of wet and dry sand so that I don’t get washed out by waves.
As I settle in to read a good book, I keep an eye on the frothy surf crawling closer and closer to my toes curled in the warm sand. I suppose I could consult the tide charts to know the times and boundaries of the waves. I guess I’d rather take my chances.
God doesn’t take any chances. He knows the exact boundaries of the ocean because He created the physical elements that control the tides. It reminds you that God draws loving boundaries around your life as well. His perfect lines provide the security you need to enjoy freedom in Christ.
7. Grape Vine
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. (John 15:4 NLT)
A viticulturist often grafts one grape to the vine of another type that has a strong root system to produce vibrant new growth and superior fruit. He inserts the bud of the branch into the prepared vine and binds it with a strip of cloth. Under the right conditions, the vine pushes nutrients into the bud to begin growth that develops into fruit.
Jesus told us He is the Vine. If you remain attached to Him, He will provide all you need for abundantly productive lives for His Kingdom.
God is Truth
Apostle Peter wrote to remind early Christians and subsequent Bible readers of truths they already knew.
Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. (2 Peter 1:12 NLT)
Yes, we do know these things, but we forget. Let’s not overlook the truth God embedded in the wonders of creation. Nature itself declares how God sees us. May we be inspired to believe and act upon His truth.
Join the conversation:
What in creation teaches you about how God sees you?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2022 Annie Yorty

Hidden Gems
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Katherine Pasour
I love this inspiring message and the beautiful word pictures you share, but this statement really stood out to me: “God’s love compels Him to watch over you.” When I stop to think how much I love and care for my children (and watch over them) and compare that to the immensity of God’s love for us, I am overwhelmed. Thank you for this beautiful message of love and the awesome power of our Creator.
Annie Yorty
So true, Katherine. Parenting has certainly taught me much about God’s love for me, and yet I haven’t even scratched the surface. Thanks for visiting and adding your thoughts to this discussion. Blessings!
Wendy Dellinger
Annie ~ What a lovely devotional! The perspective of all those zeroes in everything God has made hit me in a fresh and much-needed way today. It staggers the mind that He has such a personal love for each of us. Thank you!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Wendy, for visiting and adding to the conversation. God’s love for us is truly mind-boggling, and I’m so grateful. Blessings!
Nancy E. Head
I love your discussion–especially about snow and sand, Annie. What wonderful images for us to ponder during this Advent season. Thanks and God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy, for visiting. You are a blessing!
JD Wininger
What a great question to ask, closing out a great article Ms. Annie. My “kneejerk response” answer is “Cows.” After you stop laughing, I’ll explain. I view myself, and believe that God views me, with the title I place on my ranch’s business card, “Caretaker”. While I feed, water, and care for His livestock here on the ranch, I’m also the one who doctors them, helps deliver their babies when they need a little (or sometimes a lot of) help, who goes out in the middle of the night when it’s below freezing to make sure everyone is tucked away safe and the young calves are protected, bottle feeds the orphans or bummers (a calf that the mama rejects), and cleans up after them. As I do all this, I observe their social interactions. I watch how they care for one another in community, and I see how they come together to mourn with one another when a loss occurs. In caring for these precious blessings from God, they remind me of the responsibility I have to be a good steward of all the blessings God has so graciously filled my life with. Family, friends, and those who aren’t yet either of those things. The warmth of God’s love is flowing throughout your post this week ma’am. Thank you for warming my heart just a bit.
Annie Yorty
J.D., I live in a rural area with lots of dairy farms, but I never knew what you’ve described about cows. I can see how your role with your herd would prompt many insights about the nature of God and ourselves. It sounds like a useful book topic (hint, hint). Thanks for adding so much to this conversation!
Leigh DeLozier
Thank you for these beautiful reminders, Annie! I love how easy it is to see God around us when we just take time to pay attention.
I love how flowers can be a reminder of how God see us. They’re stronger and more complex than we realize — just like people. There’s so much more to them than at first glance, and every part is intricate, beautiful and with purpose. Yet God knows every layer and part, just as He knows us inside and out — and loves us anyway. 🙂
Annie Yorty
Flowers are a great example from nature, Leigh. Your point about their strength is one I hadn’t thought much about. They withstand some crazy weather. Even when they’re plastered in the mud by a driving rain, they often spring back up toward the sun after it lets up. Like you, I’m thankful for God’s unconditional love. Thanks for visiting!
Joshua J Masters
Annie, This is such a wonderful list with great insights. I’ve never seen a creation list curated in just this way and it is inspiring. Thank you for reminding us how God sees us and how His work of creation reflects His love. On a side note, you mentioned your time in Belarus. I’d love to know if you have posts about that. This year I was miles away from Belarus when I was on mission trips to Latvia, Lithuiana, Poland, and Ukraine.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Joshua, for visiting and sharing your thoughts. I have not been to Belarus in many years, but I went to Russia regularly until the time of Covid. I haven’t written much about my missionary journeys yet; however, it’s in my heart to explore that topic for my next book. I love the people of eastern Europe and God’s faithfulness to them.
Jeannie Waters
Annie, this post is absolutly beautiful and leaves me even more in awe of our God. The stars amaze me and even more so after reading the information you included. My favorite of His creations are the trees. I love to stand beside a tree trunk and look upward through the branches toward the sky. And His created works are only a glimpse into His glory.
Annie Yorty
Thank you for adding your thoughts to the conversation, Jeannie. I can’t tell you how many pictures I’ve taken up through trees while lying on the ground on my back. Blessings to you!
Barbara Latta
Thanks, Annie, for pointing out all the wonderful ways God shows us His omnipotence and creativity. Nothing as intricate as all the points you made could be formed by evolution. His power and majesty are evident in every part of creation.
Annie Yorty
Yes, Barbara, we could talk about God’s attributes forever and never run out of things to say. Thanks for visiting. Blessings to you!
Yvonne Morgan
I love to look for God in the nature around me and your words provided me another opportunities to remember. Thanks Annie
Annie Yorty
Yvonne, thanks for visiting and encouraging. Blessings!
Jen Knight
Creation has always wooed me and drawn me closer to God. When we look at what He has created we can learn so much about Him.
Annie Yorty
Thanks so much for visiting, Jen. Blessings to you as you seek the knowledge of God.