• General,  God's purpose

    The Power of an Invitation

    power of an invitation

    by Annie Yorty Have you ever received an invitation that changed your life? Keep reading to learn about the power of an invitation you can accept. A Radical Invitation “I’m putting together a team to go to Siberia next year,” Kent said. “Wanna go?” He spoke just as matter-of-factly as if he were inviting me to go get an ice cream cone. “You want me to go where?” I’m pretty sure my voice rose an octave on the last word. “There are so many people in prisons and orphanages there, and no one goes that far out.” In his easy-going…

  • our best provider
    General,  God's Provision

    Our Best Provider

    by Annie Yorty We live in rapidly changing and uncertain times. Election season brings a spate of pie-in-the-sky promises for much-needed security. How can we be sure who will be our best provider? An Evolving Philosophy I’m…